Enthone 50-Series Legend Inks are permanent, two component, epoxy-based screen printing inks.
They may be used with a selection of catalysts which cure at elevated and/or room temperatures.
When properly applied and cured, Cat-L-Inks have excellent adhesion to photoimageable, thermal
and UV solder masks, glass, metal and plastic. They have excellent chemical and thermal resistance
properties. 50-Series Cat-L-Inks are used in the electronic, aerospace, automotive, appliance and
decorative container industries. Uses include the permanent marking of circuit boards, semiconductor
components, connectors, dials, nameplates, edge-lit panels, chassis, glass and thermoplastics.
50 100R – White
50 110RX – White, Matte
50 120R – Hi-Hide White
50 201AR – Lemon Yellow (Cadmium)
50 202BR – Medium Yellow (Chromium) ¹
50 206R – Orange (Chromium)
50 300R – Emerald Green (Cadmium)
50 301R – Deep Green (Cadmium)
50 400R – Ultramarine Blue
50 403R – Light Blue
50 506BR – Deep Red (Chromium)
50 507R – Medium Red (Cadmium)
50 508R – Medium Red (Chromium)
50 600R – Chocolate Brown (Chromium)
50 700R – Black ²
50 710R – Black, Matte ²
50 770R – Black, Matte (Nonconductive)
50 771R – Black, Gloss (Nonconductive)
50 800R – Clear, Gloss
50 810R – Clear, Matte
MacDermid Enthone Safety Data Sheets
50-Series Safety Data Sheets
MacDermid Enthone Specifications
Below are approved Customer Ink Specifications for the defined Issuers
MacDermid 50-Series Colors and Catalysts
MacDermid Enthone Letters of Qualifications
Below are 2025 Letters of Qualification
Request Information
Monofilament polyester or metallized polyester fabrics with a mesh count from 180 to 350 are recommended.
Equivalent stainless steel fabrics may also be used. Mesh tension should be to fabric manufacturer’s
Squeegees should be between 60-80 durometer, sharp and free of nicks. Squeegee durometer, pressure, angle
and print speed should be adjusted according to the overall printing parameters to ensure consistent print
definition and ink film thickness.
Any lacquer resistant Direct, Indirect, Direct/Indirect or Capillary Stencil system.
If thinning is required, add small amounts of AD2001 or butyl cellosolve acetate. Additions should be made
after the induction period.Thinner additions extend the pot life.
Small amounts of AD2003 or carbitol acetate are recommended. Additions should only be made after the
induction period has been observed.
Following the induction period, thin with AD2002 or a blend of 80% PM glycol ether and 20% methyl isobutyl
ketone at 25-50% by volume, depending on air pressure and orifice of spray unit. Thinner additions
will extend the pot life considerably.
Enthone SC1710 screen cleaner, AD2003 or any lacquer wash will effectively clean screens and
equipment before the ink cures.