The Accu-Score AS-200-JM V-Scoring Machine is designed to score continuous and
segmented (“jump”) V-Grooves on one or both sides of any type of PC board substrate.
Designed from an operators view-point, the Accu-Score AS-200 series machines are
easy to program and set-up due to their Windows® environment and ergonomic design.
High throughput is achieved through innovative design and high performance components.
- 300-FPM Feed Rate: The AS-200-JM provides high throughput up to 300 FPM V-Scoring feed rate. The PCB is moved through the cutting zone with accurate, uniform speed, which is fully adjustable via software control.
- In-Panel Beveling: The AS-200-JM is capable of beveling gold fingers in panel form, with the use of special diamond tooling.
- 4-Corner Clamping: The AS-200 provides the industry’s only 4-corner clamping technology. 4-corner clamping increases the stability of thin panels during processing.
- Fixed Cutter Design: Twin Z-Axis drive systems are mounted to the rigid steel frame to reduce vibration and simplify calibration, maintenance and construction of the cutter assemblies. Because the PCB is moved in the X and Y, and the cutters are fixed (except score depth control via the top and bottom Z-Axis) the stability of the system results in a dramatic improvement in the repeatability and overall accuracy of the finished product.
- Rigid Steel Construction: The AS-200-JM’s super structure is a 1,200-lb. Steel weldment that provides outstanding system rigidity and mass. Windows®based visual programming: AccuSystems’ industry leading software control system provides for complete system control and nearly self-explanatory operation through the use a graphical user interface. The system displays a board figure with representative score lines to reduce operator error, and stores past jobs for quick and easy set up.
- Lifetime Software Upgrades: AccuSystems will provide software upgrades at no charge. As improvements are made in the software that effect the operation of the AS-200-JM model, an upgrade disk will be made available at no charge.
- Machine Crating: Domestic crating provides quality crating for airfreight and/or air ride van shipping. Other crating is available and is quoted on a case-by-case basis.
- PC Based Control System: AccuSystems uses the finest industry standard computer peripherals available for a highly reliable control center. The base system includes a high-resolution color monitor and pointing device that maximizes the benefits of the graphical user interface.
- On-site Installation and Training: AccuSystems provides 2-3 days of on site installation and training to the pertinent customer staff. Installation includes initial turn on, testing and tuning of the system. Training includes theoretical and practical scoring applications as well as maintenance training. The customer must provide PCB’s that are ready for scoring, for ‘live’ training to take place. All training is designed to make the customer self sufficient despite the availability of outstanding support from AccuSystems. Customer is responsible for all travel and lodging expenses of the installer.
- 1-Year Factory Warranty with production back-up support: AccuSystems provides an outstanding 1-year machine parts and labor warranty that contains a provision for AccuSystems to aid in your production should the machine be down for any period that affects the customers ability ship to product. AccuSystems’ service bureau (Accu-Score Labs) will process panels at a nominal charge until such time as your machine is operational