Liquid electrocleaner for steel
ENPREP™ 250 is a liquid displacement electrocleaner designed for the efficient removal of soils from steel.
ENPREP 250 can also be used as a soak cleaner specifically to remove buffing compounds from steel. ENPREP
250 contains a special blend of surfactants which provides excellent wetting of the steel surfaces and controls
foam build-up on the solution when used as an electrocleaner. ENPREP 250 is highly alkaline and contains
silicates and complexors. It contains no phosphates. READ ENTIRE TECHNICAL DATA SHEET BEFORE
computerized process control system to replenish the ENPREP 250 operating solution. The EN-PREP APC™
increases the efficiency and can reduce the operating cost of the ENPREP 250 process. Consult your Enthone-
OMI representative for details.
1. ENPREP™ 250 liquid cleaner (Product Code Number RD15) is used for make up and replenishment.
Tanks Plain steel tanks with 0 to 9 volt rectifiers
Heaters Heating coils of cold rolled steel, stainless steel or titanium. Automatic heat controllers are recommended.
Electrodes Perforated steel or nickel plated perforated steel should be used.
Agitation From mild air from a pressure blower is recommended. Mechanical agitation, such as with a power mixer, is preferred.
Ventilation Consult the American Conference of Industrial Hygienist’s book entitled, “Industrial Ventilation, A Manual of Recommended Practice.”
ENPREP APC™ The Advanced Process Controller (APC) can be used to simultaneously analyze and control multiple pre- and post treatment process and electroplating solutions for variables such as conductivity, pH, and temperature. Replenishment is automatic so chemistry is restored and maintained at optimum conditions. The ENPREP APC provides an easy-touse, fully programmable, computerized process control system to monitor and replenish the ENPREP 250 operating solution.